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Каталог товаров » Книги по фотоискусству » Книга Henri Cartier-Bresson. A Propos de Paris  
Book Henri Cartier-Bresson. A Propos de Paris

Книга Henri Cartier-Bresson. A Propos de Paris

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"Photography is nothing, it's life that interests me." With his ever-present Leica camera, Henri Cartier-Bresson captured the raw and the sweet, the comic and the profound moments of lives that were lost in the grind or relegated to someone else's memory--the coincidental moment at which a reflection in a puddle of water mimics a poster on a nearby wall or when lovers kiss, oblivious to the not-so-pristine world around them.



Описание Книга Henri Cartier-Bresson. A Propos de Paris:

It is the familiar beauty and cruelty of the day-to-day that is so engaging in his photographs: two cosmopolitan woman chat nonchalantly while surrounded by empty lettuce crates; mourners at a funeral stare directly into the camera; postwar Paris awakens in the fog. Cartier-Bresson was the master of the "decisive moment," that fleeting instant for which a picture really is worth a thousand words, which is the essence of photojournalism. In no place is this more exemplified than in his images of Paris.Cartier-Bresson personally selected the more than 130 black-and-white photographs of Paris for this publication. With photographs taken over a period of 50 years, the work is beautifully and generously printed in duotone. The accompanying essays, both short and unobtrusive, are also familiar and personal. One essayist captures the essence of Cartier-Bresson's camera work: "When life calls, he is always there, to assist, or to admire; to rebel, or to say no to exploiters and imposters, and to all those who demean its value." --Manine Golden
Originally published in hardcover in 1994, this magnificent volume once again showcases the classic photographs Henri Cartier-Bresson took of Paris. A Propos de Paris presents the photographer's personal selection of more than 130 of his best photographs of Paris taken over fifty years. As ever, his vision transforms photojournalism into high art, revealing images of Paris with a rare, dreamlike, almost crystalline clarity. He unfolds before our eyes a kind of intellectual reconstruction of the city, reaching far beyond the cliches of tourism and popular myth. Accompanying texts by Vera Feyder and Andre Picyre de Mandiargues discuss the history of Cartier-Bresson's engagement with the city and its place in his achievement. This is a unique gallery of urban landscapes rendered by a great sensibility - Cartier-Bresson's homage to the place perhaps closest to his heart.
  • тип обложки:Мягкая обложка
  • формат:240х260 мм
  • вес:960 гр.
  • страниц:168
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