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Каталог товаров » Книги по фотоискусству » Книга Peter Arnold - "Men Exposed"  
Book Peter Arnold -

Книга Peter Arnold - "Men Exposed"

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Peter Arnold is one of the most respected fine art photographers of our time and he exudes an energy that takes visible form in his photographs. Multi-talented, he is both a photographer and an accomplished contemporary painter; he is as adept with oil paint and brushes as he is with his hasselblad camera, blessed with a unique vision, the hallmark of Peter's work is his remarkable co-ordination of light, design and composition. His best selling books featuring dramatic flower studies, "Tulips", "Orchids" and "Bulbs in Bloom", have all become classics; queen Beatrice of the Netherlands presents her guests with Peter's beautiful book: "Tulips".



Описание Книга Peter Arnold - "Men Exposed":

Here, "Men Exposed" is his supreme perspective, a primal exploration of the contemporary male nude. Fearlessly photographed in his own inimitable style, he has captured the resounding spirit of 21st century man, naked as nature intended, in an honest and forthright collection of dramatic and provocative images, Peter Arnold's work has been acknowledged by the association of photographers and exhibited by both Kodak and Ilford. His original images and limited edition prints are collected worldwide and can be viewed on.

Издательство: teNeues, 2005 г.
Твердый переплет, 128 стр.
ISBN 3-8327-9082-9, 978-3-8327-9082-0
Формат: 280x330

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